Monday, July 23, 2018

Fly fishing Sitka Fall 2017

Fly fishing the salt in the fall of 2017. This trip it would be Rick, cuzz he owns the boat, my youngest brother Jon and I. For Rick and I it was our bi-annual trip, for Jon, a recent immigrant from Wisconsin it would be entirely new.

We caught the usual suspects, Black Rocks, Yelloweyes and Silvergreys.

Our first days catch.

We caught Quillbacks and Coppers.

Jon's first ever Yelloweye, and it's a nice one.

A double on really nice Ling Cod.

A nice Silvergray.

Rick caught two Silvergrays on one lure at the same time.
A Canary Rockfish.

Then I caught two black rocks on one lure at the same time.

Then we caught a new species, a Red Line Rockfish. It was caught on conventional gear so it doesn't count toward our all time list of species caught on a fly. It was pretty cool to catch a new species though.
We didn't get to fly fish on this trip much and we didn't catch any new species but it was still a great trip. This will be my last open water trip of the season, next, ice fishing.